Rajlich, Reilich, Railich, Rajilic, Rejlich, Rejl, Rail, Reilly, Riley...
Rajlich, Reilich, Railich, Rajilic, Rejlich, Rejl, Rail, Reilly, Riley...

Václav Rajlich (ml.)

Prof. Vaclav Rajlich v pracovne, 2005
Prof. RNDr. Vaclav Rajlich ve své pracovnÄ› na Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, v roce 2005

Václav Rajlich (19392020) was a Professor and former Chair of Computer Science at Wayne State University. His research centers on iterative software development, software evolution, and comprehension. He has published approximately 90 refereed papers in journals and conferences, mostly related to the topic of this lecture; the most cited one is cited 830 times according to Google Scholar. An additional five papers, all related to the topics of this lecture, are cited more than 100 times. He has also published a book that covers the current software engineering issues and software developer skills. He is the founder and permanent steering committee member of the IEEE International Conference on Program Evolution (ICPC) and was a Program Chair, General Chair, and Steering Committee Chair of IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). He is a member of the Advisory Editorial Board of the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.

Appointments (selected)
1990 - 2020: Professor, Wayne State University, Department of Computer Science
1985 - 1990: Professor and Chair, Wayne State University, Department of Computer Science
1982 - 1985: Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
September 1980 - December 1981: Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science, California  State University, Fullerton
1971 - 1979: Research Scientist and Manager, Research Institute for Mathematical Machines in Prague, Czech Republic
1963 - 1968: Research Engineer and Graduate Research Assistant, Research Institute for Mathematical Machines in Prague, Czech Republic
Part-time and Visiting Appointments (selected)
1992: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
1988: Harvard University , Division of Applied Science, Center for Research in Computing Technology
1987: Carnegie-Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh
1974-1979: Adjunct faculty, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics & Physics, Department of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Prague, Czech Republic.
1974-1979: Adjunct faculty, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computers, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ph.D. in Mathematics (Automata and formal languages), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1971

â–º Professor Rajlich publishes Software Engineering: The Current Practice

Vaclav a Petr Rajlichovi, Tábor, cca 1949
Václav Rajlich se svým mladším bratrem Petrem v TáboÅ™e, cca 1949

Václav Rajlich s rodinou, 2007

Prof. RNDr. Václav Rajlich
Václav Rajlich (72) na návštÄ›vÄ› u svého strýce Jana Rajlicha (91) v BrnÄ›, 2011

â–ºRozhovor Václava Rajlicha pro Opus dei, 2014 
â–ºVaclav Rajlich obituary, 2020

(aktualizace 2. 10. 2020)

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